Help disabled work and keep benefits: BCA

Date: 01/03/2013
Reporter: Patricia Karvelas and Lanai Scarr
Source: The Australian  (log in required)
The Business Council of Australia has called on the government to overhaul its welfare regime to provide disabled people more incentives to work — including getting back on benefits after they have entered the workforce.

In a submission to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations review on how to improve the participation of people with a disability, the BCA said the welfare regime needed to be radically changed.

The BCA said it supported reducing complexities in the “welfare and taxation system where it discourages some people with disability from seeking work because of the fear of losing benefits”.

It also “strongly supports the aim of increasing the employment of Australians with disability (but) does not support requiring employers to report on disability employment, because it would fail to increase the employment of people with disability while imposing unnecessary costs”.

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